Spring is finally here and we’re out harvesting!
Jenny, our Manager’s Wedding – photos included!
New Seaweed Products
Price increase at the end of March 2015
Spring is finally here and we’re out harvesting!

We had thought we would have been out this Winter harvesting, but unfortunately, between one thing and another, we hadn’t been able to, so we ran out of seaweeds a few weeks back.
Well – the boats are now back into the water and seaweed harvesting has started!!!
We are replenishing our seaweeds with fresh stocks over the next few weeks and this includes Dulse / Dillisk, Carrageen / Irish Moss, Kelp / Kombu.
Jenny, our Manager’s Wedding – photos included!
On Feb 14th – our Manager Jenny got married in the Donkey Sanctuary, Sidmouth, UK.
Jenny has long been a supporter of the Donkey Sanctuary and her day included having Jasper and Bramble as her “bridesmaids”!!
She also arranged a few rally cars for her husband to be, as a surprise – as his wedding transport – one was an Evo (the white one) and the other was a Mark 1 Ford Escort Mexico (this car is 43 years old and still competes in rallies!)
New Seaweed Products
Towards the end of last year we launched our pouches – and this year all our seaweeds will be available in the new pouches. These pouches are resealable for lasting freshness.
We will keep you posted as to when they become available 😉
Price increase at the end of March 2015
In line with Royal Mail, who will increase their charges for postage at the end of March 2015, we will increase ours too. Our actual seaweed prices will be staying the same and will not be increasing – just whatever increase Royal Mail put on their services, is the increase we will apply.
Thank you for taking the time to read our latest news.
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