Year: 2018
Summer Holidays
Emerald Isle Seaweed will be on holidays from the 21st of July until the 30th of July.
You can still order online but please note there will be a delay in the delivery of your order, the next dispatch date will be Monday the 30th July.
The health benefits of eating seaweed: 8 reasons to eat the “most nutritious vegetable in the world
Benefits of eating seaweed.
Seaweeds are classified according to their pigments, cell structure, and other traits. The groups of seaweed that are commonly consumed include:
Blue-green algae – spirulina and chlorella
Brown algae – kombu, arame, kelp, and wakame (the miso soup seaweed)
Green algae – sea lettuce or ulva, and sea grapes
Red algae – dulse, laver, and nori (the sushi seaweed)
Below are some of the numerous health benefits you can get from eating seaweed. See if this list can convince you to add more seaweed to your diet:
Seaweed is packed with nutrients – Vegetables are generally good sources of a variety of nutrients, but seaweeds are especially potent sources of vitamin B12, which is needed for healthy blood and nerve tissue. Seaweeds like arame and wakame are great sources of calcium, folate and magnesium, while purple laver is especially rich in B vitamins.
Seaweed is rich in iodine, but watch your intake – Seaweeds like kombu are a valuable source of iodine, which is needed for regulating metabolism and ensuring normal thyroid function. But before you stuff yourself with seaweed, it is important to note that too much iodine can cause thyroid problems. Those with existing thyroid disease (or those predisposed to it) should monitor their iodine intake. It is advisable to limit your consumption of seaweed to one to two tablespoons, two to three times per week.
Seaweed aids in weight loss – Seaweeds like sea kelp contain alginate, which can help suppress the digestion of fat in the gut. Research found that it is possible to prevent obesity through alginates that can block the fat digesting enzymes. Likewise, there is a pigment in kombu called fucoxanthin, which is a carotenoid that may boost production of a protein involved in fat metabolism, which can assist in weight loss.
Seaweed supports bone tissue – Seaweeds, especially the dark green ones, contain high levels of calcium. Moreover, seaweeds contain magnesium, another mineral that supports bone health.
Seaweed promotes heart health – Marine algae contain peptides that effectively lower blood pressure, which is a great way to combat heart disease.
Seaweed balances blood sugar – Adding seaweed to meals can reduce blood sugar spikes and help us feel fuller for longer. Research found that alginate in brown seaweed like arame can strengthen gut mucus and slow down the digestion of carbohydrates. Similarly, previous studies found that alginate can reduce cholesterol and glucose uptake in obese participants.
Detoxify with seaweed – Certain seaweeds like arame and hijiki have plenty of soluble fiber, which promotes detoxification. It cleanses our gut of toxins such as those found in pollutants like cigarette smoke.
Seaweed improves skin condition – Red seaweed is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce inflammation. This, in turn, reduces the risk of acne breakouts and other skin problems, leading to smoother, younger-looking skin. Winter is a great time to eat foods rich in omega-3s to help counter the skin-drying effects of central heating.
Add seaweed into your diet by sprinkling dried or fresh pieces into salads or soups; swapping potato chips for seaweed versions; adding shredded seaweed strips in stir-fries; and using seaweed flakes instead of salt for flavoring. You can also try making your own sushi by rolling vegetables and rice in dried nori sheets; or adding seaweed when cooking beans to make them more digestible.
The Flavor Enhancer You Don’t Need to Tell Anyone About
New York Times
When food obsessives announce that they have discovered a delicious new thing to eat, generally the first or second thing they’ll tell you is the secret ingredient or special technique that makes it possible. These bleats of discovery can be exciting, at least for those of us who thrill to the sense of opportunity afforded by the next new thing in food. Cooking, after all, is alchemy, the transformation of base materials into something valuable and rare. Who wouldn’t want to know the latest incantations?
But it can be equally magical sometimes, particularly in restaurants, to eat in ignorance and bliss, to not be told anything at all about the food on your plate — unless of course you are a food obsessive and need to know why it tastes so good. So it was on a recent night when I ate a little packet of bluefish steamed in red chard at Houseman, the Manhattan restaurant of the chef Ned Baldwin. Let me be clear right from the start: Steamed bluefish was not a promising order. People in restaurants tend to like their fish crisp at the edges, at the very least, not steamed. They like it white-fleshed and flaky, not dark and oily, beneath a soft carapace of vegetable matter.
But Baldwin’s fish was fantastic, almost exploding with flavor: briny, buttery-rich, silky-salty, with a powerful roundness barely checked by the sweetness of the chard that surrounded it. Its preparation haunted me for days, and eventually I broke down and asked Baldwin how he made it. “It’s dulse butter that does it,” he said, laughing: a compound of unsalted butter and the ground, dried sea lettuce that has been harvested on the coast of Ireland and the shores of the North Atlantic for centuries (the word itself is Gaelic in origin). He said he smears each fillet with the stuff before wrapping it in the chard and cooking it slowly in the oven, flipping the packets often, to keep the meat moist.

I started cooking with dulse all the time. Particularly now, when the farm stands near my home are bleak and largely empty, I use dulse (and butter too) to impart big flavor to my cooking, with no one the wiser. I use it as Baldwin does, to anoint fillets of cod and tautog, porgy and weakfish. I use it as a dipping sauce, for steamed clams, and as a medium in which to warm bay scallops before serving them with toast. And I love it particularly in this chowder of root-cellar vegetables, clams and fish, one of the easiest and best things to cook for a winter weekend meal. Using a dulse butter at the base of the soup, for the fat in which I sauté the vegetables before deglazing them, makes each individual flavor in the resulting chowder pop, distinctly and with bright effect, from carrot to leek, parsnip to potato, bacon to clam to scallop to fish.
And I think there is no reason to explain to anyone why this is the case, how the powdered seaweed acts as a flavor enhancer, how it contains a natural version of monosodium glutamate, how it’s harvested off rocks at the bottom of the tide: dulse, Palmaria palmata, bounty of the sea. In part that is because I prefer the magic of the meal to the explanation of the trick that makes it. And in part it is because like a lot of us I cook for children and sometimes people who act like children, for those who quail at the new, at the odd, at the unfamiliar, the poorly branded, the strange. Seaweed people know this well. There’s no reason to court questions. They don’t say they cook with dulse. They just cook.
Want to buy Irish Dulse Flakes